Spring Drive Results

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Friends of WGDR/WGDH -

We know you are all eager to know how our Spring Drive ended up. Well, in short, even as we wait for the final checks in the mail, we are confident in saying this was the most successful drive we've had as a community-owned station.

❤️ Just about $9,500 raised ($10,000 goal)

❤️ 132 total donors

❤️ 41 new donors (50 goal)

❤️ 10 new sustainers (10 goal)

These 10 new sustainers, along with our current 50 monthly donors, will now fund the entire rent for WGDR's studios and WGDH's broadcast shed every month. This is a huge milestone for our fiscal sustainability.

We are so proud of how this drive came together too. So many of our new programmers jumped right in to pitch, other programmers did special programming, and even non-programmers took to the airwaves to help share why WGDR & WGDH are so darn valuable. A long-time programmer said, "this is the most fun I've had fundraising for the station, ever!"

This is what it is about folks. Funding a station that means so much to all of us and having fun while doing it.

If you missed your chance to give, you still can! Just know that you can’t be entered to win the prizes. Give securely at WGDR.org/donateor by check to “CVCR” and mail to 123 Pitkin Rd. Plainfield, VT 05667.

As always, thanks for tuning in,

Llu Mulvaney-Stanak, Station Manager

Llu@WGDR.org, 802-276-0365

p.s. In case you haven't had a chance to learn about our new schedule and locally-made shows, please do. There are some fantastic new programs worth tuning in for.

WGDR/WGDH broadcasts at 91.1 FM in the greater Plainfield area, 91.7 FM in the hollows and hills of Hardwick and beyond, and at WGDR.org to the whole world. Our studio is located at the Eliot Pratt Center on Goddard College campus at 123 Pitkin Road, Plainfield, VT 05667.

Follow us on social media on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook at @WGDRWGDHVT


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