What’s up with all the disclaimers?
Hey listeners!
As you know, nationally things are changing at a rapid pace, with various public institutions being challenged, threatened with funding cuts, and more actions. Community radio, by design, is meant to protect free speech and give all of us access to the airwaves, free of censorship or other threats to an individual or a station. And yet, all our stations hold federal licenses from the FCC, which can be pulled for review at any time due to complaints or challenges to a station fulfilling its duties and obligations to FCC policies.
One of the biggest protections we have to protect the license and be compliant with FCC policy is the use of a station disclaimer. This allows a programmer to share their views but does not necessarily represent the station’s position on any matter. A disclaimer is a neutral statement that reminds all listeners - including the FCC in a review - that the station has a neutral position as a media outlet.
So, you will hear us using the disclaimer - “The following (or preceding) program presents the opinion of its participants and producer. It does not reflect the official opinion of WDGR-WGDH or its licensee, Central Vermont Community Radio." - for every show - talk, and music. This will ensure that any potentially objectionable content aired during a show - local or syndicated too - is not presumed to be the position of the license holder, Central Vermont Community Radio.
Thank you for your patience with this new practice on the air. We are trying to keep it mixed up and creatively used during a show - still protecting us, but lessening the potential annoyance factor.
Most importantly, thank you for listening to and supporting this vital public institution of community radio!